Wednesday, March 29, 2006

MPCA Commissioner Kicks Off LID Workshop
Site designers who use 'low-impact design' are going to find economic as well as environmental benefits.
At the Minnesota Arboretum March 21, MPCA commissioner Sheryl Corrigan addressed an over-capacity workshop on LID techniques sponsored by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. She thanked participants for their interest in innovative approaches to stormwater management.
I'm hearing that the MPCA is working to organize a group to carry the message about stormwater pollution prevention across the state. Some of the members of this newly formed group may have attended this workshop. They're going to have to brush up on all the practical techniques homeowners can use to manage stormwater.
Photo courtesy Unsie Zuege, staff writer for the Chanhassen Villager

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan - thanks for featuring MCWD's conference and linking to us in your Blog. Please send out periodic reminders so I don't forget to check in on what you're up to. Nice work so far!