Friday, March 10, 2006

Good Housekeeping at the Construction Site

1. Slope Stabilization
Mats, mulches and blankets get grass to grow and hold the soil in place until roots get a hold.

2. Perimeter Control
Silt fences stop silt in muddy water--but let the water go on through.
3. Maintained Silt Fences
Silt fences work, but they need to be replaced if they tear or fill with dirt (when they've done their job). You should replace them when dirt reaches the 1/3 the height of the silt fence's original height.
4. Gravel for Dirty Tires
A rock construction exit knocks mud off truck tires before it's tracked onto roads and finds its way into storm sewers.
5. Storm Sewer Inlet Protection That Worked
There are a variety of storm-drain protection techniques that do the trick. This one's a dirty one, but it caught the dirt before it filled a stormwater pond or muddied a stream. If you're looking for how-to instructions for keeping a clean construction site, check out this construction site field guide for stormwater management--and don't forget to check out the new Minnesota Stormwater Manual, and of course, you can always come back here, to the Minnesota Stormwater Blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always nice to hear about storm sewer inlet filters that work. Thanks for sharing!